خانم دکتر گزانی در دومین نشست کارگروه منطقه‌ای سامانۀ پیش‌بینی و هشدار سونامی منطقۀ شمال‌غرب اقیانوس هند، به عنوان سخنران کلیدی

Dear participants,

Distinguished guests,

I am very glad that I am among you as the Secretary of the Iranian National Committee for IOC of the Iranian National Commission for UNESCO.

I would like to congratulate Dr Hajizadeh and his colleagues for organising this very important meeting and my thanks goes to UNESCO IOC and ESCAP for their supports.

As you are aware, the The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO holds a universal mandate and global convening power for ocean science and capacity development in support of the 2030 Agenda and its sustainable goals. With a strong regional presence in Africa, the Caribbean, the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific, the IOC provides field expertise in all ocean basins, and works in cooperation with UN and international partners to coordinate ocean-related activities in 148 Member States.

Over its 55 years, UNESCO’s IOC has developed a strong outreach capacity to mobilize national policy makers, scientific institutions and civil society toward conserving ocean health; coordinating early warning systems for ocean hazards such as tsunami; ensuring ecosystem resilience to climate change; and constantly developing knowledge of emerging ocean issues.

UNESCO and its IOC have shared UN leadership in core areas of the 2030 Agenda. The IOC contributed in formulating the Sustainable Development Goal 14 (SDG 14), which calls on Member States to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources.

UNESCO’s IOC provides important contributions to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda’s global goals in a number of areas:

  1. Capacity development and transfer of marine technology
  2. Demonstrated monitoring, assessment and benchmarking capacities
  3. Cross cutting mandate relevant to other SDGs

The IOC is involved in monitoring the role of the ocean in the climate system and improving disaster risk reduction, providing a major contribution to implementing SDG 13 on climate change and SDG 11 on sustainable cities. Considering the significant impact of the ocean on several aspects of our daily lives, IOC activities also strengthen efforts to achieve other global goals such as food security (SDG 2), learning opportunities (SDG 4), gender equality (SDG 5), sustainable economic growth (SDG 8), and human health (SDG 3).

To conclude, I once again take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Dr Hajizadeh and his team for their efforts and I wish them, our guests and international participants a very successful meeting and an enjoyable stay in Tehran.

Thank you very much for your attention.

مطلب قبلی

شرکت سرکار خانم دکتر گزانی در دومین نشست کارگروه منطقه‌ای سامانۀ پیش‌بینی و هشدار سونامی منطقۀ شمال‌غرب اقیانوس هند، به عنوان سخنران کلیدی، ۹ -۱۰ اسفند ۱۳۹۵ -پژوهشگاه ملّی اقیانوس‌شناسی و علوم جوی

مطلب بعدی

نشست تخصصی «صلح و زن» به مناسبت روز جهانی زن ۱۵ اسفند ۱۳۹۵ برگزار خواهد شد